Parents often ask me: When is the perfect time to do some sleep coaching with my baby or toddler?
The perfect time for coaxing your little one to healthy sleep is now. With the pandemic that has swept across our world, it provides an unexpected and yet perfect time to do sleep coaching. Being home more with our little ones lends itself perfectly to achieving best sleep practices, no matter whether you have an 10 month old or a 10 year old!
When I work with families, I ask them to commit to the plan I construct for them, and that often involves being at home more than they are used to. It is in the child’s best interests to lead a quieter life than normal and for parents to be very focused and committed to the changes that are implemented from the action plan I provide.
Working from home during the pandemic? Having your little one sleep through the night and take great naps, can also help a working parent. Rearranging your schedule around your child’s sleep can be challenging but if you have some predictability to the daytimes as well as know that you will experience a great night’s sleep, it can benefit a working parent.
So many of us have made major changes to our lifestyles, including limiting outings. The following have probably been impacted, dining out, travelling, spending time away from the family home, having visitors or houseguests, limiting playdates between children and even a sibling’s schedule has probably changed greatly. All those things will be favourable towards helping the non-sleeping child achieve success.
If you are a parent who has to (example) feed your baby to sleep, hold her for naps, or rock her during naps etc, it would be a perfect time to help the little one learn to self-soothe, self-settle and sleep for long stretches without intervention.
Can you do Zoom conferences, Skype meetings or Facetime meetings while breastfeeding baby or bouncing her on a yoga ball? Probably not and tucking her in for a nice long nap, while you have an hour to yourself, or time to
accomplish a work project, will ease your daytimes.
Now is the time and I have a selection of consultations to choose from. Let’s get you started on the road to great sleep! I can’t wait for you to join the thousands of families I have helped over the years. Please contact me for a
Complimentary 15 to 20 minutes chat. I love to talk all things sleep!